Smart cities and the factors contributing to its creation

Smart cities and the factors contributing to its creation

Smart cities and the factors contributing to its creation

Technological advancements have now made human life easy and comfortable, enabling them to perform tasks without the need of lengthy procedures just to do a single task of instruction which makes your life trouble-free.

What is a smart city?

A smart city is a town region that traditions various types of automated techniques and gadgets to oversee administrations and assets proficiently to give a quality life to its residents.

Smart communities project utilize the skill and material designs to carefully join a range of civic-related areas and Internet results, public vehicle, administrations, parks and renewal, city structures, and so forth. Initially, this data can be utilized to advance various elements of life inside general society.

Architecture of smart cities

The advancement of engineering for smart cities development has been ascending for a long time and carries on to move ahead despite break from present general wellbeing and security fears. Strikingly, nonetheless, while the smart city idea wonder confirmations to pass on more viable and in fact technologically progressive cities with more advanced accessibility for all occupants, there are static numerous who don’t rather have a clue what a smart city is.

Key factors in smart city creation

In shrewd urban areas, we are plausible to understand various developments in the following a few years, including:


  • Amplified real time checking of a wide range of information, from light stages to air value
  • Ability to enhanced direct traffic and make transportation more successful
  • Developed unused association frameworks
  • Public security and crisis facility skills
  • Better digitization of numerous local area techniques
  • Consideration on wellbeing and protection
  • Better acknowledgment of portable and cell results


However, there are challenges that come with the use of such advanced technologies and solutions.

While the investigations elaborate in planning a Lahore smart city are testing, the benefits can be exceptional. Components include:

  • Further developed resident and government responsibility that controls affiliation devices, in-constructed sites, self-administration sections, versatile utilizations, collaborating maps, government show dashboards and live streaming of public events.
  • A conservative natural footmark as an impact of making better energy skill, checking air quality and construction upon inexhaustible belongings.
  • Real information driven dynamic by local area pioneers who utilize continuous information to the decrease of hazard and improve results for the city.
  • Worked on computerized equity by guaranteeing that all metropolitan individuals have access to sensible gadgets and web availability.
  • Further developed business advancement chances on account of private area worry in promoting in brilliant urban areas.
  • Further developed base due to better checking and early obstruction to further develop streets, water, and extension structure.
  • More able public qualities that reduction inactive time and work on custom rates to keep city assets.
  • More prominent than before benefits and lower costs for the regional government.


For a few city managements, it will be a broad street with various undertakings. Three key outcomes are important before the arrangement and rollout of different specialists can make:

Renewable, Resistant power

The ability to supply control and produce power are grand apprehensions for some urban communities. Societies need to reserve viable, self-sustaining locale with viable power supply. To accomplish this norm, natural belongings like wind, astral and unused power generation run into the goals of improvement and extension, zoning, and other administrative group methodology.

Inclusive societies

The smart city model needs a design that covers close by underserved regions and public areas. Understanding all aims can recuperate the degree of prosperity and normal way of living, all things considered. The smart city ecosystem benefits rather mean societies can rapidly start making a significant impact and working on the worth of life for their inhabitants.

Safety and protection of residents

Smart society ensures that occupants and their data continues to be protected. Wellbeing stays a critical threat. To support financial activity and confirm resident security, societies smart data programming developer between threat proof security cameras, gadgets, building automation frameworks, new energy contraption, the smart network, data organization frameworks that take participate with local public security assets.


FATF Plan meaning for Real Estate Market.

FATF Plan meaning for Real Estate Market.


The Real Estate sector is an emerging sector in Pakistan which is growing at a fast pace and contributing a lot to the economy of Pakistan. With many new societies appearing regularly, the real estate business is growing vastly.

In the past, real estate management has been different to what it may be soon. With involvement of so many real estate agents and parties, it has been hard to keep a check and balance from the government’s side. Often the sector has been accused of financing terrorism, money laundering and other such activities.

In a recent and important development, the government of Pakistan will ask real estate agents to not only check but also share the credentials of people buying and selling property in Pakistan with the FBR.

To prevent terrorists from easily buying property in Pakistan as well as adhering to the conditions of FATF in accordance with the UNSC resolutions, it will soon be compulsory to share the information of all buyers.

On August 17th 2021, the National Coordination Committee met with the representatives of real estate agents and senior FBR officials to discuss the details further

To further help the real estate agents, the FBR will also provide an application with a list of 4500 suspected terrorists which is to be updated regularly. The list also contains terror financiers, money launderers and persons banned from organizations and was developed by the UN.

All real estate agents will have to cross check all buyers from the list and in case any name or CNIC matches any from the list, the authorities will be alerted by generating a Suspicious Transaction Report. Besides the cross checking, the real estate agents will have to maintain a record of all buyers and sellers of properties.

In addition, all buyers and sellers will also have to submit forms with information about the actual owner of the property. It is common to see third parties often selling or buying property on behalf of someone else, so this allows FBR to not only get the required information about the actual owner or seller but also to be able to trace the person with the money trail.

نیا مطالعہ نمایاں کرتا ہے کم آمدنی والے مکان کے “بڑے پیمانے پر” معاشی فوائد۔

نیا مطالعہ نمایاں کرتا ہے کم آمدنی والے مکان کے “بڑے پیمانے پر” معاشی فوائد۔

نیا مطالعہ

کم آمدنی والے مکانات میں سرمایہ کاری پاکستان کو “بڑے پیمانے پر” معاشی فوائد فراہم کرے گی ، کارانداز پاکستان کی طرف سے شائع کردہ اور برطانیہ حکومت کے محکمہ برائے بین الاقوامی ترقی (ڈی ایف آئی ڈی) کی مالی معاونت کے مطابق۔ نیا مطالعہ ، ‘پاکستان میں بلڈر فنانس کو بڑھانا’ ، اسلام آباد میں میریٹ ہوٹل میں ایک تقریب کے دوران شروع کیا گیا۔ اس مطالعے کے ساتھ ، کارانداز پاکستان کا مقصد پاکستان کو زیادہ سستی رہائش کی تعمیر کے وسیع فوائد دکھانا ہے ، لیکن چھوٹے اور درمیانے درجے کے کاروباری اداروں (SMEs) کے کاروبار کو فروغ دینے میں بھی مدد کرتا ہے جو گھر کی تعمیر پر کام کرتے ہیں۔
مطالعہ کا تخمینہ ہے کہ ہر سال ایک لاکھ مزید گھروں کی تعمیر سے معاشی ترقی کے ساتھ ساتھ روزگار کے مواقع بھی بڑھیں گے۔ مطالعے کے مطابق پاکستان کی معیشت کو بڑے پیمانے پر فائدہ ہوگا اگر سستی رہائش میں اضافہ کیا جائے۔ اس کو حاصل کرنے کے لیے ، بلڈرز کے لیے ریگولیٹری ماحول میں بہتری لائی جائے اور بینکوں کو رہن اور بلڈر فنانسنگ کے لیے کافی مراعات دی جائیں۔ مطالعہ کارانداز میں حاصل کیا جاسکتا ہے۔
برطانیہ کے محکمہ برائے بین الاقوامی ترقی (ڈی ایف آئی ڈی) پاکستان کی سربراہ جوانا ریڈ نے تقریب میں کہا:
“صرف امیر ترین کمپنیاں ہی لوگوں کے امیر ترین افراد کے لیے گھر بنانے کا متحمل ہو سکتی ہیں۔ پاکستان کو فنانسنگ میکانزم کی ضرورت ہے تاکہ یہ یقینی بنایا جا سکے کہ ہر ایک کے سر پر چھت ہو۔
:اس موقع پر خطاب کرتے ہوئے ، سی ای او کارانداز ، مسٹر علی سرفراز نے کہا
“یہ ضروری ہے کہ اس طرح کے مباحثوں کو ایک پلیٹ فارم دیا جائے اور کنسٹرکشن اور بینکنگ کمیونٹی کے دونوں کھلاڑیوں کو اکٹھا کیا جائے اور فنانس تک رسائی کے چیلنجز پر بات چیت کی جائے خاص طور پر چھوٹے اور درمیانے درجے کے بلڈرز اور ڈویلپرز کے لیے ، حل کیا جا سکتا ہے۔ ہم امید کرتے ہیں کہ مطالعہ کارانداز نے مالیاتی شعبے سے تعلق رکھنے والے ممبران کو حوصلہ افزائی کی ہے کہ وہ مالیاتی مصنوعات کو ایس ایم ای بلڈرز اور ڈویلپرز کی ضروریات اور اثاثہ جات کے مطابق بہتر بنانے کے لیے اقدامات کریں اور اس طرح پاکستان میں ہر ایک کے لیے سستی رہائش کی دستیابی کو متحرک کریں۔اس تقریب میں حکومت کے نمائندوں کے ساتھ ساتھ بینکنگ اور بلڈنگ سیکٹرز کے نمائندوں نے بھی خوب شرکت کی۔ مسٹر زیغم محمود رضوی ، چیئرمین ہاؤسنگ سے متعلق ٹاسک فورس نے بھی تقریب میں شرکت کی اور کہا:
اقوام متحدہ کے رہائش گاہ کے مطابق ، آدھی سے زیادہ انسانیت اب شہروں میں رہتی ہے اور 2050 تک چار میں سے تین افراد شہری علاقوں میں رہ رہے ہوں گے۔ ایشیا پیسفک کے بیشتر شہروں میں یہ بڑے پیمانے پر شہری آبادی ممبئی ، کلکتہ ، کراچی ، منیلا ، ڈھاکہ وغیرہ جیسے بڑے بڑے شہروں میں چیلنجز پیدا کر رہی ہے۔ غیر مہذب رہائشاس سے شہروں میں پہلے سے موجود شہری رہائشی قلت میں مزید اضافہ ہورہا ہے ، یہ تقریبا تمام معاشرے کے معاشی طور پر کمزور طبقات ہیں۔
مزید انہوں نے مزید کہا ، “ہاؤسنگ کے اسٹیک ہولڈرز ، یعنی ڈویلپر ، منصوبہ ساز ، حکومتیں ، مالیاتی اور ریگولیٹری ایجنسیاں سب کو سستی رہائش کے چیلنجوں سے نمٹنے کے لیے مصروف رہنے کی ضرورت ہے ، دونوں اس کی سپلائی سائیڈ اور فنانس سائیڈ پیرامیٹرز سے۔سپلائی سائیڈ کے کھلاڑیوں ، بنیادی طور پر ڈویلپرز/بلڈرز کو سستی رہائش کے اس چیلنج سے نمٹنے کے لیے مصروف رہنے کی ضرورت ہے۔ اس کے نتیجے میں ، معیشت کو فروغ ملے گا ، اور روزگار کے مواقع پیدا ہوں گے۔ ہاؤسنگ اور رئیل اسٹیٹ کا شعبہ تقریبا 42 تعمیراتی مواد کی صنعتوں سے براہ راست منسلک ہے اور بہت زیادہ شرح سے ملازمتیں پیدا کرتا ہے۔ریاست اور نجی شعبے کو کارنداز جیسے پلیٹ فارم کی کوششوں کی تعریف اور حمایت کے لیے آگے آنا چاہیے۔
مصنف مسٹر علی خضر کی ایک پریزنٹیشن کے بعد ، اس موضوع پر ایک مباحثہ ایک پینل پر مشتمل تھا: مسٹر حسن بخشی ، چیئرمین ایسوسی ایشن آف بلڈرز اینڈ ڈویلپرز (ABAD) ، مسٹر محمد رضا سعید ، ہیڈ ہاؤسنگ فنانس (اسلامی) HBL میں مسٹر نوید گورایا ، سی آئی او کارنداز پاکستان مسٹر جاوید اسلم ، سی ای او اور بانی انصار مینجمنٹ کمپنی اور گروپ ہیڈ مسٹر فیصل مراد۔ہاؤسنگ بلڈنگ فنانس کمپنی (HBFC) سے بحث میں موجودہ ریگولیٹری ماحول میں بہتری کی ضرورت پر روشنی ڈالی گئی ، اور عوامل جیسے پراپرٹی کی قیمتوں میں اضافہ ، تعمیراتی سامان کی بڑھتی ہوئی لاگت ، ایس ایم ای بلڈر کمیونٹی میں دستاویزات کی کمی اور باضابطہ فنانسنگ تک رسائی میں رکاوٹ کے طور پر ضمانت کی عدم موجودگی۔


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The 5 C’s of real estate marketing you must know about!

The 5 C’s of real estate marketing you must know about!

Real Estate Marketing is one of the most crucial facets. It’s more than just telling people about real estate, but getting actual work done. Without marketing, you can be the best among your competitors, but it will be difficult for people to find you or even know about you . 5 C’s of real estate marketing will help you to reduce that difficulty.

In any case, great marketing – the stuff that works, gains customers and raving fans, and starts conversations – is quite often about the client, as opposed to about us. The successful brands in the real estate market are making huge followings since they are advertising in a credible way, bringing creative content and engaging humor to attract customers. In any real estate case, above all, they are talking with their clients about their clients.

Today, in real estate the places and ways in which we can market ourselves are endless. From channels, shows, videos, ads, billboards and influencers, customers encounter more ads and consume more information than ever before. To bring unique content and attract attention is very important.

To help you here are 5 C’s of real estate marketing to remember.


The most important element of any good marketing strategy is the customer. Who is your target market? What don’t they know? What do they require most? How would they define value? In the event that you can address these inquiries you are looking great so far.

In real estate you need to make the audience believe that you are helping them, collecting all the necessary information for them, and engaging them in a conversation. A simple but effective way to ensure that the customer is your main target, is to see how often you used the word ‘I’. Replacing the letter ‘I’ with ‘you’ and rephrasing the sentence can make a huge difference in your tone and focus.


Once you have decided who your target audience is, it’s time to create a content plan. The crucial part of real estate marketing is what to say and where to say it.

Creating a content plan before-hand removes the frustration of thinking and worrying about what to say when you need to communicate.

For the first step in real estae marketing , start with brainstorming and find the pain points of your customers while selling or buying a house. These pain points will act as an opportunity to solve a problem or create value.

Now make a list of all the ways you communicate with your clients, social media, and newsletters, print marketing etc, and include everything. Realize the ways you can utilize those tools and touchpoints to help solve your customer’s pain points.

This creates your content plan which will help you determine what you need to say and where.


Coming up with creative, eye-catching and unique content is important as it keeps your customers interested. This will not only keep your customers informed but they will spread the word and you will gain followers. Research on articles and content your competitors have and add something unique to stand-out.


You need to make the customers believe you have their best interest in mind. Create posts and content that starts a conversation and rephrase your sentences by replacing the letter I with you.


Consistency is the main ingredient that makes the entire strategy work. It’s not just about being consisting in posting or email on a daily basis, but most importantly being consistent with your values, voice and messages.

In real estate your marketing not only reflects how you tell a story of your audience but your beliefs and what you want to be known for. Make sure to work hard and be consistent!

If you need more consultancy about real estate you can contact us by direct click the link below:

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10 Reasons You Need A Real Estate Agent

If you are thinking about buying or selling a property it is crucial that you weigh in the pros and cons of hiring a real estate agent. Due to multiple reasons like varied fees and contrasting experiences most people are hesitant to get a Real Estate agent.

This blog highlights what a real estate can do to make your job easier and why you need a real estate agent whether you are a buyer, seller, or property investor.

Agents know what to look for

Your agent will assist you in finding the right lender according to your requirements. The truth is there is a lot of options in the market, but an agent will narrow them down to what suits your specific needs and budget. The agent will also guide you through the buying process, making it smooth and stress free and will counsel you on working effectively with lenders and suggest the most suitable ones.

Agents have the right tools

No one can understand the recent real estate market trends and conditions better than agents. They provide home staging advice and have access to off-market listings. They have extensive knowledge of street-to-street and even house-by-house market for both buyers and sellers. Thus, they can give you quick comparisons to determine the right property for you that fits all your needs.

Negotiate a good price

Realtors that are experienced are aware of what they are helping their clients buy. As such, they will negotiate on your behalf to ensure that you are not required to pay more than you must. They know what works and what doesn’t and thus can help to get the best deal in terms of pricing.

Real Estate Connections

Agents have a lot of contacts so whether its home inspectors, contractors, lenders, and other professionals, your agent will be able to recommend those that are highly reputable.

Inspections and negotiations

Agents have trained eyes that identify problems that maybe hiding out of sight that could be hazardous. They attend the home inspection and ask the right questions about conditions of the property. They schedule and attend appointments, open houses, and other important meetings with other parties. The negotiations take place even after the initial offer. Your agent will negotiate with the seller to make the repairs or cover the cost after the inspection.

Deals with the seller’s agents

Your agent plays a huge role to ensure that both parties are on the same page and communicates pertinent information between each. Paperwork such as records, agreements and other documents are completed and submitted to the correct agencies. They respond to emails, text and important contacts for you.

Closing the deal

Following a streamlined process there is a lot that happens in during the escrow before the deal is finalized and closed. Regardless of whether you’re purchasing or selling a home, a specialist is your partner.

As should be obvious, there are various advantages of employing a realtor. Remember that specialists and real estate professionals rely upon references to develop their business. This implies they’ll put forth the entirety of their attempts to guarantee you’re glad and happy with their administration so you can prescribe them to your loved ones. Moreover, the specialist you recruit will be around for the since quite a while ago run and will be there for you when you need to sell or purchase another property. This is a reward advantage and one more motivation behind why you need a realtor.

Real estate market 2021:

Real estate market 2021:

how to keep up with the trends for next year
The real estate market is one of the segments that underwent several changes and adaptations during the new pandemic reality. Faced with an extremely new and sudden scenario, what can we expect for the real estate market in 2021?
From remote work to the use of technologies, such as online visits , the 360º tour and the use of real estate management applications for the activities developed in the area, both administrative and financial, to the prospect of a return to the heating of the economy, the real estate market in 2021 has ways to grow and reinvent itself.
In this article, we will talk about the real estate market scenario 2021, in addition to addressing technologies, trends and expectations for professionals in the area. We will also bring tips that can help the performance of professionals in the real estate market for the next year. Follow us!
The real estate market scenario in 2020
The year 2020 started with high expectations for the real estate market, mainly after a year of growth like 2019.
A survey conducted by CBIC in 2020 showed that the first quarter of the year had a 26.7% increase in sales compared to the previous year.
However, it didn’t take long for the market to lose steam. With the advancement of the coronavirus in Brazil, the isolation measures and the uncertainty in relation to the coming months caused a setback in the real estate market.
The same survey points to a 14.8% drop in the number of units launched in Brazil compared to the previous year, showing the effects of the crisis on construction companies and the low demand from customers.
It is interesting to remember that this decrease did not happen uniformly in Brazil. The Northeast was the region with the greatest retraction, with a 56.3% lower performance compared to 2019. The second most affected region was the South, with a drop of 29.1%, followed by the Southeast, with 2.4% less sales.
Digital acceleration
However, despite the less optimistic results, we can take advantage of this difficult period for the real estate sector: the digital transformation .
For brokers , remote work, through the home office , gained strength and showed that it is possible to maintain a flow of sales , even at a distance, using software and platforms that organize and optimize the work routine.
In addition, companies began to invest in more modern websites and occupy the digital media, opening a new sales channel and expanding the presence of the business.
The public also changed the form of consumption and began to experience new shopping journeys .
A survey by Grupo ZAP , carried out with people who were looking for properties to buy or rent, showed that 38% of them were open to the idea of online visitation , made from video platforms, and 37% would accept to take a 360º tour. in real estate.

Do You know who are Top 5 Real Estate marketing companies in Pakistan ?

Write now the Top Real Estate marketing companies are following:

1. Garaana

2. Zameen

3. Sky Marketing

4. Awf Real Estate

5. Mustakbil

These are the top 5 Real Estate companies in Pakistan due to their performance and work. We are trying our Best that AWF real estate will be known as Pakistan’s number one real estate marketing company .

What is the new real estate business?
Although several changes have taken place due to the pandemic scenario, the promise is that many of them will remain and become the new normal in the real estate industry.
Management platforms, such as CRM and Office da Vista, for example, helped in the development of administrative and financial activities, being great partners for self-employed professionals and large real estate companies.
Although these solutions already existed in the routine of real estate companies, with the pandemic they proved to be essential for everyday life.
Another point is that the relationship with the customer and the online service remain strong. Of course, digital should not be the main route, but it is a way to establish the first contact and reach a larger audience, especially nowadays.
What to expect from the real estate sector in 2021?
Expectations are high for the real estate market in 2021 and this is for two reasons: the decrease in the Selic rate (Special Settlement and Custody System) and the launch of the new federal government program, Casa Verde e Amarela .
Currently, the Selic rate is at 2% per year, being the lowest rate in the country’s history. The Monetary Policy Committee (Copom) and the Central Bank (BC) reduced these rates precisely to try to stop the recession in the real estate market.
Although it is not possible to guarantee that the rate will remain at this level throughout the year 2021, the expectation for the real estate market in 2021 is that it will not have a great increase, remaining at around 2.75% per year. So, brokers, this is the best time to sell real estate.
Another incentive is the Casa Verde e Amarela program, which replaces Minha Casa Minha Vida. In this new format, the focus is on three fronts: real estate financing, land tenure regularization and housing improvement, also enabling the renovation and expansion of houses.
Real estate profile has also changed
In addition to structural changes, a notable legacy of this period of isolation is the styles of buildings.
With so much time in seclusion, people started to value even more the structure that a condominium and the floor plan of an apartment can offer.
It will not be uncommon for searches for complete condominiums to increase, as well as for buildings close to green areas and more distant from large centers, which are extremely noisy, since most corporate companies adopted the home office until the end of the pandemic state ( which can last until the second half of 2021) or permanently.
This will be noticed especially in families with greater purchasing power, who will prioritize even more comfort in their homes.



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