Are you planning to sell your house or have you been trying to sell it but found no luck? A major reason for it, that we tend to overlook, is how well you have photographed your house.

When you look at a magazine spread of a house, you often think how is this place even real? This is because amazing real estate photos do have a positive effect on your home sale.

A study done by a real estate photography company, stated that top-quality photos can make your house sell 32% faster as compared to a house with average or blurry pictures.

You don’t need expensive equipment like DSLR to take perfect shots. All you need is to look for the correct lighting and time of the day, know the correct angles and stage your home the right way. But in making the shots look perfect, you must be honest about the size and layout of your home.

Here are some important real estate photography tips you need to know:

Declutter and clean

Make sure that you clean every room in your home by hiring someone or whether you are doing it by yourself. Start with the kitchen and remove everything off the counter top. Neatly organize your utensils, towels, oils, etc. Then, scrub down every surface and most importantly any burned substances on your stovetop.

After this, move to the living room. Clear all the clutter, remove shoe racks and extra things keeping the furniture and table lamps. Then vacuum and deep scrub the room.

Now repeat this for every room.

Get creative with storage

If you are storing items, label the boxes and store them by stacking them up so they don’t take much space. Also, if have found some items that you no longer need or want, now is great time to sell or donate them. This will make shifting easier, your closets more available for storage and help to declutter the house for staging.

Depersonalize space

The main idea behind the real estate pictures is to help the buyers envision themselves in your home without actually visiting it. This makes depersonalizing your space very important by making sure to put aside all your personal belongings. Or you can move the items to a different spot when taking the pictures.

Correct the lighting

A well-lit home not only adds to great pictures but also gives off the illusion of a bigger space. Light up the room using window light or turning on all the lights to make the room look brighter, bigger and free of any visual cutter. Make sure to always analyze the room with a critical eye before taking any pictures.

Be honest

Avoid editing images to make the rooms bigger and don’t take deceptive photos that will misguide the buyers. Be honest about the layout and size of your home.

Take several pictures

Always take lots of photos so you have several options to choose from. Exterior pictures are as important as interior ones.

Another tip is to take the pictures from chest-height. This will help the buyers view it as if they are standing in your home.

For exterior pictures, ideally place your camera at an angle that will add more depth to the façade of the structure.

Go for landscape orientation

As vertical shots only focus on a smaller area, horizontal photos showcase the entire room.


The photos you take need to tell a compelling story with order you present these photos in. the order should be: the exterior, entryway, kitchen, dining room, living room, master bedroom, and then any additional remaining bedrooms.



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