Many individuals are gradually progressing away from a fossil-energized power network towards a clean energy solution – however the decision to Installing solar panels in Pakistan is mainly driven by power shortages and energy crises.
Specialists state that for solar energy to be financially feasible, there should be somewhere around four hours of pinnacle daylight – implying that the daylight should be bright and sparkling straightforwardly upon the introduced boards. The greater part of Pakistan has more than 300 bright days and most of the landmass gets over seven hours of day by day sunlight consistently, making the country an excellent possibility for solar based solutions.
Why Installing Solar Panel are important ?
However, solar panels still are not as common. This is primarily on the grounds that the expense of introducing a solar panel framework can be very high, going from 200,000 PKR to 2 million PKR, contingent upon the capacity and power of the boards. The fundamental cost comes forthright when purchasing the hardware. Notwithstanding the fundamental boards, other vital hardware incorporates an inverter, metering hardware and different cables and wiring gear.
As generating electricity from sunlight will be cheaper in the long run, onsumets should consider this as a one-time investment.

The scheme offers the following things:
- Its self-sufficient and renewable nature makes it eco-friendly leading to a sustainable future.
- Long distance transmission can cause power misfortunes. Rooftop solar power systems help in increasing power efficiency.
- Solar panels are a one-time investment. You will have to pay lower electricity bills, depending on the size of panels.
- With the growing trend of ‘green living’, a house with solar panels has more value.
What you will need for the setup of Installing Solar Panels ?

- Solar Panels
- Battery
- Home Appliances
- Hybrid Invertor
Cost Of Solar Plant
- Price of solar plant may differ.
- You can get European (German) solar panels for Rs. 150 per watt, but that’s just additional cost as Chinese panels work fine.
- If your load exceeds 500 watts then you will have to use high-voltage inverters, that is 2 KW, 3kW or above. Here are estimated prices for bigger inverters:
- 1 KW Inverter: Rs. 26,000
- 2 KW Inverter: Rs. 35,000
- 3 KW Inverter: Rs. 45,000
- 4 KW Inverter: Rs. 60,000
- 5 KW Inverter: Rs. 80,000
- 10 KW Inverter: Rs. 200,000
- P.S. Prices of inverters also vary, depending on the quality and made. Prices mentioned here are for good quality Chinese inverters
- Number of batteries will also depend on the load you may require to store. Here’s the desi formula for calculating back-up timing of a battery:
- Amperes of battery x number of hours with sun-shine / load = Back-up time in hours
- Example: (200Amp + 200Amp) x 10 hours / 540 Watts = around 7 Hours

- Number of batteries will also depend on the load you may require to store. Here’s the desi formula for calculating back-up timing of a battery:
- Amperes of battery x number of hours with sun-shine / load = Back-up time in hours
- Example: (200Amp + 200Amp) x 10 hours / 540 Watts = around 7 Hours
Life of solar panels is around 25years, however, efficiency or ability of solar panels can lessen with time. They work well even in hilly areas, such as Murree.
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